Scanning electron microscope

Scanning electron microscope (SEM): Structure and description

Introduction A microscope is used to see objects that are not visible to the naked eye. The electron microscope is a breakthrough invention in microbiology. It is of two types based on its structure such as transmission electron microscope and Scanning electron microscope (SEM). This microscope accurately describes the smallest part of an object. After

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Darwin’s evolution theory

Darwin’s evolution theory or Darwinism

Introduction The word evolution comes from the Latin word evolvere. That means gradual development. Evolution refers to the process by which a simple organism evolves into a complex organism. The evolutionary process occurs slowly. At first, unicellular and simple organisms emerged on Earth. Evolution describes the emergence of more advanced and complex species from these

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Lamarck’s evolution theory

Lamarck’s evolution theory or Lamarckism

Introduction In 1809, the French biologist Lamarck published the first modern theory of evolution in his book ‘Philosophie Zoologique’. Lamarck’s evolution theory states that all the traits that an organism acquires by responding to changes in the environment are passed on from one generation to the next. According to Lamarck, although two plants of the

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types of electric generator

How do Electric generator work? Types and Functions

Introduction Electrical energy is the main source of all kinds of development. Electricity is used in lights, fans, televisions, refrigerators, various industrial plants, transportation systems, etc. Fan, refrigerators, television, etc. are all machines. A machine is a mechanical object that is made up of a combination of different parts to perform a specific task. The

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