
Genetic Codons

Genetic Codons

Introduction What are genetic codons? Genetic codons are sequences of three nucleotides that form the genetic code. The sequence of amino acids in a polypeptide is specified by a sequence of elementary codons within a gene. These elementary coding units are called codons. They are mostly triplets consisting of adjacent nucleotides, used in the synthesis […]

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Plant breeding

What is plant breeding and what are the techniques?

Introduction Breeding is the way of producing offspring through sexual reproduction. However, plant breeding is a biotechnological process that occurs with the intervention of humans. The primary motive of plant breeding is to produce crops with better quality and quantity.   The continuous growth of the population made scientists think about alternate ways of quality food

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molecular clock

Molecular Clock

Introduction  A molecular clock is a concept used to estimate the genetic divergences between species. It helps to analyze the mutation rates in DNA sequences and to find a common ancestor in them. It is used to study the history of human evolution and to find the connecting link between plants and animals.  The molecular

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Cytoplasmic inheritance

Cytoplasmic inheritance

Introduction Cytoplasmic inheritance or maternal inheritance is simply the transfer of genetic characters through the cytoplasm (that is other organelle DNA) instead of the nucleus. In a cytoplasm, autonomous organelles like mitochondria and plastids are present as the genetic matter that is considered the key ingredients. Mitochondria, usually referred to as the powerhouse of the

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Non-Mendelian Inheritance

Introduction Gregor Mendel achieved a breakthrough with his experiments in the field of Genetics. However, he generally worked on a controlled setup. His laws applied to many of the plants. But, after replacing the pea plants with Arabidopsis thaliana or Zea mays, scientists found that they were not following Mendel’s laws. This inconsistency was assessed

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