Diet for IBS (Irritable bowel syndrome)

best diet for ibs


Food provides us with nutrition and energy and everybody has their own specific requirement as per their body type. A diet is a number of selected foods that are determined according to the age, sex, physical illness, etc. of the person. The diet consists of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, minerals, vitamins, and water these 6 nutrients are properly distributed. There are different types of diets for different diseases. Below is a discussion of the best diet for IBS a disease which is known as irritable bowel syndrome in medical science

The first treatment for a patient is medicine and then diet. As the patient’s crisis subsides, the need for medication gradually decreases, and the need for diet increases. During the selection of diet, the type of disease, the patient’s eating habits, the patient’s ability to take diet, etc. are judged. Diet is very important for chronic diseases. However, in all cases, the diet will be easily digestible, nutritious, and delicious (1).

What is irritable bowel syndrome?

Irritable bowel syndrome is basically a disease of the intestines. This disease is caused as a result of changes in bowel or intestine movements. And irritable bowel syndrome affects the digestive system of the human body.

Nowadays this is becoming more and more common. Irritable bowel syndrome is a disorder of the colon or large intestine or in other words, it is long-term abdominal pain. As a result, the human body suffers from stomach pain, flatulence, and bowel problems. If this problem has been present in the human body for a long time, then it is called irritable bowel syndrome. In the developed country at least one in 10 people is infected with the disease in their lifetime (2) & (4).

Causes of irritable bowel syndrome

IBS is called a functional gastrointestinal disorder. Another name for this disease is spastic colon or spastic bowel or nervous colon. The exact cause of IBS is unknown. Medical science has not found the primary causes of irritable bowel syndrome.

However, IBS can occur at any time due to heredity factors, mental stress or depression, infection, presence of extra bacteria in the small and large intestine, hormonal imbalance, food allergies, any type of liver problem, medicine, surgery, etc.

The other causes of irritable bowel syndrome are

  • Sudden changes in food habits or not taking food at the right time can cause IBS.
  • Lack of sleep may trigger this problem of IBS.
  • Sometimes this disease is due to the weakness of the nervous system.
  • IBS disease is caused by eating certain foods such as chocolate, coffee, dairy products, etc.
  • Irritable bowel syndrome often occurs as a result of excessive drinking of alcohol.
  • Also caused by not drinking enough water and not consuming high-fiber foods.
  • This disease is also caused by overeating carbohydrates foods, fast foods, spicy foods, reduced physical activity, anxiety, etc. (3) & (4).

Symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome

The symptoms of IBS disease can vary from patient to patient. Different types of symptoms are seen in each patient with this disease. These symptoms are discussed below.

  • The common symptom of irritable bowel syndrome is abdominal pain. There is a pain in the lower abdomen. The pain starts with sneezing and decreases after defecation.
  • There is a bubbling sound in the stomach throughout the day. More gas is produced in the large intestine. As a result, the stomach bloats.
  • Changes in normal bowel movements result in diarrhea or constipation.
  • Symptoms such as indigestion, anxiety, depression, loss of appetite, and mild headaches can be seen in a person with irritable bowel syndrome.
  • A person with irritable bowel syndrome sometimes has symptoms of diarrhea or sometimes has symptoms of constipation.
  • People who have diarrhea have abdominal pain first and then it decreases after defecation. During diarrhea, a large amount of mucus is excreted.
  • Those who have more symptoms of constipation have abdominal pain
  • More than half of people with IBS show symptoms of fatigue.
  • People with Irritable bowel syndrome have symptoms such as falling asleep, waking up frequently, insomnia, etc.
  • Symptoms such as indigestion, anxiety, depression, loss of appetite, and mild headaches can be seen in a person with irritable bowel syndrome (4) & (5).

Diet for irritable bowel syndrome

The symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome are revealed in different ways in the patient’s body. Some patients with irritable bowel syndrome revealed symptoms of diarrhea. In some cases, the patient shows signs of constipation, and in some cases, both (diarrhea and constipation) symptoms appear in the patient’s body. So the patient’s diet is different according to the symptoms of the disease. It is discussed below (4).

1. Diet for IBS-Diarrhea


The following is the diet of a person with irritable bowel syndrome who has symptoms of diarrhea.

  • The patient should be fed a small amount of food repeatedly.
  • Foods containing large amounts of cellulose should not be provided.
  • Avoid spicy and fried foods.
  • The diet should not be too hot or too cold.
  • Above all, the balance of electrolysis in the body of a patient suffering from diarrhea is disrupted. The body excretes a lot of water. So the patient should be fed ORS (oral rehydration solution) as a liquid diet.
  • Rice, fruit juice, etc. can be given as a diet to supplement the carbohydrate deficiency in the patient suffering from diarrhea with IBS.
  • The diet should include easily digestible proteins such as eggs, skim milk, goat liver, etc.
  • In this case, a weak digestive system disrupts the digestion and absorption of fats. Therefore, a controlled amount of fat should be provided. Butter and oil are easily digestible. Ghee, dalda, and meat fat should be given less because these are not digested quickly.
  • A diarrhea patient needs a daily supply of 2500 kcal of energy
  • Patients with diarrhea should be given vitamin B complex and vitamin C-related foods.

Acceptable food

The acceptable food for IBS-D patients is fruit juice, boiled apples, rice starch with salt, skim milk, yogurt, cheese, goat’s liver, tea with lemon and sugar, lemon juice with sugar, sago, barley water, etc.

Excluded food

Foods like fried foods, spicy foods, insoluble fiber foods (whole grains, wheat barn, nuts, cauliflower, potatoes, and peas), butter, ghee, coffee, ice cream, chocolate, etc. should be avoided (3).

2. Diet for IBS-Constipation


 The following is the diet of a person with irritable bowel syndrome who has symptoms of constipation.

  • Food should be taken at the right time.
  • Vegetables, salads, and peeled fruits should be taken.
  • More water and liquid food should be taken.
  • The use of laxatives and antacids should be avoided.
  • Foods with indigestible cellulose stimulate intestinal contractions. So it is necessary to eat enough vegetables and fruits.
  • An IBS suffering from symptoms of constipation should consume 60 to 8 gm of proteins daily.
  • Fat stimulates bile secretion and lubricates the colon. So the amount of fat in the diet should be kept normal.
  • Vitamins B complex should be taken to cure constipation. This is because the B complex helps in the excretion of solid stools by causing the circulation of intestinal muscles.
  • Luke warm water should be taken in the morning to relieve constipation. At least 2.5 to 3 liters of water should be drinking throughout the day (6).

Acceptable food

IBS patients with symptoms of constipation should eat wholemeal bread, vegetables, peeled pulses, nuts, sprouted lentils, peas, peeled fruits such as guava, apple, ear, dates, salad, fish, eggs, fresh fruit juice, warm milk, bran, or isabgol husk, soluble fiber like barley, oats, oatmeal, beans, sweet potatoes, carrots, cucumber, etc.

Excluded food

Red meat, chips, sweets, ice cream, chocolate, bakery products such as biscuits, crackers, donuts, pastries, white flour bread, oily and fried foods, etc. (3).

In addition to diarrhea constipation, and irritable bowel syndrome patient revealed many other symptoms such as abdominal pain, gas in the abdomen, stomach pain, cramps, bloating, etc. So above all, all the diets that IBS patients should follow

  • Probiotic foods (yogurt) should be eaten regularly. Probiotics are a type of bacteria that are good for human health and the digestive system. It helps to keep the intestines and stomach well.
  • Avoid gluten-type foods. Gluten-type foods are- any food made from wheat flour, bread, biscuits, cakes, etc. Instead of these foods choose rice, flattened rice, etc.
  • Those who have problems eating milk and milk products should avoid these foods on an empty stomach. Should be eaten on a full stomach and in small quantities. If there is still a problem then it should be completely eliminated and sour yogurt should be eaten.
  • Do not drink water between meals. This disrupts the digestive process. It is best to drink water 30-40 minutes before meals and 45 minutes to 1 hour after meals.
  • Food that causes flatulence such as cauliflower, cabbage, broccoli, etc. should be avoided.
  • There should be an interval of at least three hours between eating and going to bed at night. That means do not go to sleep after eating.
  • Exercise should be done regularly. Exercise 45 minutes to 1 hour every day. There is no substitute for bowel health (7).

Daily diet chart of IBS patient


Diet chart of patients with IBS have no chronic disease

Diet chart of patients with IBS have a chronic disease (diabetes)

Morning (6:30 am) Mild warm water or a cup of tea and one biscuit. A cup of tea without sugar and one cream cracker biscuit.
Breakfast time (8:00 am) A piece of bread with jelly, a banana, one boiled apple, poach an egg. (In case of IBS-D).

Two chapatis prepared with fibrous flour, lentils, peas or beans curry, or brown bread with butter. Boiled egg. Banana/apple/pear/guava. (In case of IBS-C).

Two bread or chapati, pulses, vegetables, a cucumber, and a cup of milk.
Lunchtime (12:00 pm) 1.5 cups of rice, 1 bowl of pulses, thin soup with fish, vegetables, and potatoes, ½ cup of yogurt. (In case of IBS-D).

2 cups of rice, 1 bowl of pulses with vegetables, fish or meat soup, yogurt, and salad. (In the case of IBBS-C).

2 cups of rice, spinach curry, pulses with vegetables, fish soup, and yogurt.
Tiffin time (4:00 pm) Biscuits and a cup of tea or flattened rice and fried nuts or a bowl of parched rice with sprouted gram, cucumber, and onion. (In case of IBS-C).

Two tablespoons upma or one cup of tea and 2 biscuits. (In case of IBS-D).


1 cup of tea or coffee (without sugar) and two tomato sandwiches.
Dinner time (9:00 pm) Two thin chapatis or 1 cup of rice or 2 cups of hotchpotch and 1 cup of chicken stew with potatoes and other vegetables. (In case of IBS-D).

Two wheat flour roti or spinach mixed chapati, vegetable stew, and salad. (In case of IBS-C).

Two chapatis (Indian flat bread) pulses with vegetables, fish or meat soup, and salad.
Before going to bed at night A glass of skimmed milk (In the case of IBS-D).

A glass of milk. (In case of IBS-C).

Written By: Manisha Bharati

About Dr. Asha Jyoti 388 Articles
Greetings, lovely folks! 🌿 I'm Dr. Asha, a plant enthusiast with a PhD in biotechnology, specializing in plant tissue culture. Back in my scholar days at a university in India, I had the honor of teaching wonderful master's students for more then 5 years. It was during this time that I realized the importance of presenting complex topics in a simple, digestible manner, adorned with friendly diagrams. That's exactly what I've aimed for with my articles—simple, easy to read, and filled with fantastic diagrams. Let's make learning a delightful journey together on my website. Thank you for being here! 🌱.