What are the different types of fibrous plants?


A fibrous plant can be a plant with a fibrous root system or it can be a plant full of fibers.

Various types of plants are present in the earth’s environment. Based on the structure and shape of the roots, there are two types of plants, viz fibrous plant and taproot plant. The features of this plant, its uses in the diet and other industries, etc. are discussed below (3) & (6).

A fibrous plant definition 

In many plants, the growth of the radicle stops, after the germination of seed, and roots begin to develop from the base of the radicle, called fibrous root. The plants in which such roots are found are known as fibrous plants. When the embryonic root is destroyed fibrous plant roots are formed in a cluster. In fibrous plants, many roots grow from the base of the stem or grow from the leaves (1) & (3).

Characteristics of fibrous plant

  1. This type of plant has a monocot root system.
  2. Its roots are the cluster roots.
  3. These roots cannot extend far into the depths of the soil
  4. These plant stems are very hard. The stem is used for various fields.
  5. The roots of these plants originate from the stems and enter the soil.
  6. Fibrous plant roots grow both below and above the ground.
  7. There are no branches of the fibrous plant root like the taproot. These roots are created from the base of the plant and enter the soil in clusters (2) & (5).

Different types of fibrous plants

There are two types of fibrous plants.

1. The plant which has a fibrous root system

This type of plant is known as a fibrous plant. The roots that develop from any other parts of the plant except radicle are known as fibrous root and the plant is called fibrous roots. These types of plants are monocotyledons. There are some examples of various types of fibrous plants which have fibrous roots.

  • Banyan tree – prop or pillar root
  • Sugarcane – stilt root
  • Piper betel – climbing root
  • Corn – aerial roots
  • Jussiaea – floating roots2

2. Fiber-rich plants that are good for the diet

These types of plants are rich in fiber. They are called plant fibers. Fiber-rich plants are very important for diet. Plant fibers are gained from various parts of the plant. The following are the parts and names of some of the plants from which plant fiber is obtained.

  • Stems – flax, jute, hemp, bamboo, nettle, etc.
  • Seeds – cotton, kapok.
  • Leaves – sisal, manila, abaca.
  • Fruit – coir (1) & (4)

Fibrous plants in the diet

Fibrous plants are rich in fiber. So they are also used in the diet. Their role is very important in nutrition and diet. The following are some of the examples of these plants that play an important role in nutrition or diet.

1. Onion

There is 1.7 gm of dietary fiber in 100 gm of onion. It contains antioxidants and fights inflammation, decreases triglycerides and reduces cholesterol levels. So it should be present on the daily diet chart. These plants are capable of anti-inflammatory properties. It may also help reduce high blood pressure and protect against blood clots. Onion prevents cancer also.

2. Banana

Bananas are healthy and full of nutrients and contain a high amount of fiber. 100 gm of banana contains 2.6 gm of dietary fiber. It is a good source of vitamin C, minerals, potassium, and vitamin B6. These fibrous plants may contain decent amounts of resistant starch. This starch is fermented by bacteria to form a fatty acid chain. It is also a source of other types of fiber, like pectin. Bananas control high blood pressure, heart diseases, and cholesterol levels.

3. Wheat

Wheat is high in fiber thus controls heart diseases, strokes, obesity, and diabetes. These fibrous plants reduce chronic inflammation. The main fiber in wheat bran is arabinoxylan. Arabinoxylan is a type of hemicellulose. Most wheat fibers are insoluble.

4. Millet

Millet contains protein, antioxidants, and fibers. It controls blood sugar levels, cholesterol levels, and cardiac diseases. Millet is also helpful in the digestive system because it contains high fibers. There is 9 gm of dietary fiber in 100 gm of millet. Millet is also for weight loss.

5. bamboo

It is also high in fiber. Bamboo shoots also help in good digestion and boost the immune system. It is rich in potassium. These plants control the cholesterol level and prevent colon cancer. 100 gm of bamboo contains 4.49 gm of dietary fiber. Bamboo shoots are used in the diet because they are rich in protein, carbohydrates, vitamins fibers, and minerals.

6. Dalia

Dalia is rich in fiber. It is very healthy. It cures constipation and helps increase metabolism. Dalia is good for those people who want to have a flat tummy. This plant is a good source of the daily requirement of fiber and manganese. It is very healthy for diabetic patients. 100 gm of Dalia contains 18 gm of fiber (4) & (6).

Fibrous plants used in other industries

There are various types of fibrous plants that are used in different types of industries. The effectiveness of these plants is very important. Below is a discussion of the effective role of some fibrous plants in various industries.

1. Bamboo

Bamboo is a plant that has a fibrous root system. There are about 1000 species of bamboo. This type of tree grows in tropical and temperate regions. It can be harvested for 3 to 6 years.

This is an important plant that helps in the balance of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. This fibrous plant uses various industries like

  • It is used in the road and bridge construction industry.
  • Bamboo is used for fuel. Charcoal made from this plant has been used for cooking fuel.
  • Beds, chairs, tables, and various pieces of furniture are made from bamboo trees.
  • It is also used in making various types of jewelry such as necklaces, bracelets, earrings, etc.
  • These plants can be used to make a strong and durable fabric. This fabric is used to make all types of clothes.
  • Bamboo plants help in making medicines for various diseases. Such as the black bamboo shoot is used in kidney disease treatment in China. The roots and leaves of bamboo trees are also used for cancer treatment.

2. Wheat

Wheat is the most important cereal crop. It is also a fibrous plant. This plant is used in various industries.

  • Gluten is derived from wheat used in the pharmaceutical industry. It is used for making capsules.
  • Some wheat is used for starch, paste, malt, dextrose, and alcohol production.
  • Wheat is used in the food industry. Various foods such as Flour, bread, cake, biscuits, pastry, cookies, etc. are made from wheat.
  • The outer shell of the wheat grain is used to make medicine. These grains are used for preventing colon diseases, stomach cancer, gallbladder diseases, etc.
  • Wheat is also used to make sauces and confectionery.

3. Jute

Jute is a natural fiber. It is the second important plant fiber. The role of jute in various industries are

  • It is used for making carpets, coarse materials, paper, bags, doormats, ropes, etc.
  • These plant fibers produce the base of the wool industry.
  • It is mainly used in matting and twine processing. This plant is also used in cord manufacturing.
  • Jute also helps in the preparation of the paper. The high-quality paper is prepared from jute sticks.

4. Cotton

It is a type of Fiber-rich plant. Cotton is the primary fiber plant. It occurs on the plant’s seeds. These plant fibers are used in various industries.

  • Cotton is mainly used in textile industries. Every type of Clothes, bed sheets, curtains, etc. is made of cotton.
  • It is also used in pharmaceuticals.
  • The cotton seed’s oil is used in food making and cosmetics.
  • The outer part of the cotton seeds is used for fertilizers, fillers in plastics, etc.
  • Cottonseed oil is also used for the preparation of paints, washing powders, varnishes, soaps, etc.

5. Hemp

It is a bast fiber. This fibrous plant is used to prepare rope, shoes, food paper, biofuel, etc.

6. Coir

Coir is also a natural fiber. It originates from seed. This type of fiber is found in coconut. The coconut tree is a fibrous root system. These types of fibrous plants are used for making doormats, brushes, packaging, bedding, etc. This plant fiber is also used in agriculture (2) & (4).


1. What are some fibrous plants?

Plants that have fibrous roots are known as fibrous plants. These types of roots occur in monocot plants. Some examples of these types of plants are wheat, maize, grass, banana, bamboo, rice, marigold, palm trees, cereal crops corn, barley, sorghum, oats, millet, rye, etc.

2. Which vegetables have fibrous roots?

Onion, lettuce grasses, tomato, sweet potato, beans, etc. vegetables have a fibrous root system.

3. How many plants have fibrous roots?

There are 11 types of plants that have fibrous roots. These are grass, sugarcane, sweet potato, dahlia, screw pine, maize, orchids, money plant, banyan, asparagus, and basella.

4. What is the taproot plant?

A taproot plant is a type of plant that has a taproot system. That is, a root that is extremely thick, developed from radicals, enters deep into the soil, and spreads branches, is called a taproot. The plant that has this kind of root is the taproot plant.

Example: beetroot, carrot, sugar beet, radish, etc. plants have a taproot system.

5. Is rice a fibrous root?

Rice is a fibrous root because of the following

  • A fibrous root is a type of monocot root that originates from any part of the plant such as stem and leaves.
  • The fibrous root is the cluster root.
  • This type of root grows both below and above the ground
  • They cannot extend far into the depths of the soil.

Due to the presence of the above features in rice, the root system of rice is fibrous root.

Written By: Manisha Bharati


1. B. Agarwal and V. K. Agarwal. Unified Botany, B.Sc. second Year. Shiva Lal Agarwal & Company Publications, Indore. Chapter: modification of root for various functions and interaction of root with microbes. Page no: 46 to 55.

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