October 2022

Oxidative phosphorylation

Oxidative phosphorylation: definition, steps and features

Introduction Oxidative phosphorylation is the production of ATP by chemiosmosis. It is the terminal oxidation of aerobic respiration. During the respiration process, food is oxidized in the cell, and energy is produced. This energy regulates the physiological activities of the organism. When food is oxidized in the presence of oxygen, it is called aerobic respiration. […]

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rocks and their types

Rocks and their types

Introduction The materials of the crust or lithosphere are known as rocks. Rock is a combination of naturally occurring solids or minerals. The rocks are classified based on different types of mineral composition and the formation method. Below is a discussion of rocks and their types. The crust is the outer part of the rock.

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Exogenic processes

Exogenic processes: Definition and description

Introduction Exogenic processes are geomorphic processes. Changes in landforms through physical and chemical methods are called geomorphic processes. Different landforms have been created through this process in different geological periods.  Geomorphic processes can be broadly divided into three categories, these are as follows 1. Terrestrial processes 2. Extra-terrestrial processes 3. Man-made processes. Terrestrial processes The

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