Wind Energy

Wind Energy

Know in one minute about Wind energy

  • Wind energy is a renewable energy that is formed with the help of wind flow.
  • Wind turbines are used to generate energy out of the wind flow.
  • The advantages are: it is renewable, eco-friendly, uses less land, cost-effective from a long-term perspective.
  • The disadvantages are:

1. Can be dangerous for birds and other flying species.

2. Produce noise pollution, which has a high initial cost.


In today’s growing and developing world energy is a commodity that is not only in demand but has also become a necessity. Without energy, it is not possible to imagine an industry being operated or a factory producing goods or a transportation system, or even day to day to household chores. All these activities are possible or are completed with ease with the help of energy. In this article, we are going to read about wind energy and its uses and applications.

But a question arises how does energy is produced? In the present world scenario, there are various methods of generating energy like with the help of thermal processes or with nuclear reactions or with natural resources like fossil fuels, water, wind, sunrays, etc.

Some resources are found to be economically efficient while some are less harmful to nature, these types of resources or methods are known as green energy resources. Since the production of energy with the help of these methods or resources is eco-friendly the energy produced is considered to be eco-friendly as well.

One such method of producing green energy is by wind, and the energy produced by the help of wind is known as Wind Energy.


The energy which is harnessed using a mechanism that uses wind as its main resource is known as wind energy.

It is a renewable form of energy that is the resource used in the production of the energy that can easily be renewed within a short period of time another renewable form of energy is tides. And in this case, the wind is abundant everywhere and hence doesn’t take any time to renew, while the resources like coal, fossil fuels, etc. require a long period of time which is about millions of years to be formed again.

Wind energy is formed using windmills, these windmills are placed in the regions which are prone to frequent flow of wind. In this huge blades are installed on a system of turbine and generator.

When the wind flows the blades rotate the shaft, due to which mechanical work is produced. The shaft then transfers this work to the turbine which converts the mechanical work into the required electrical energy. This energy is then stored in various cells for further usage.

Is Wind energy renewable?

It is a renewable form of energy, we use it as the main resource and as we know that the wind is abundant and can easily be found in most places, the production of energy with the help of this method becomes eco-friendly and renewable energy production method.

Most places can be equipped with wind energy generating arrangements but there are certain conditions and requirements in the production of the energy. When these requirements are satisfied then a person can generate energy through wind efficiently.

Wind Energy Advantages

Being a popular form of energy has several advantages and merits, due to which it has gained wide-ranged usage, and according to a report published in 2018, 4.8% of the total electricity produced in the world is in the form of wind energy.

1. Renewable

Wind energy is a renewable source of energy, as it is continuously available and will never run out like traditional fossil fuels. This makes it beneficial to other energies.

2. Eco-Friendly

During the production of energy greenhouse gases or any kind of pollutants aren’t liberated and hence don’t affect or harm the environment.

3. Cost-effective

Once the unit is installed it provides the user with low-cost energy. According to a study, the cost of production per year is decreasing in the case of wind energy.

4. Energy Security

It is such a kind of energy in whose production no such resource or material is used which must be imported from other countries, and a nation could produce the energy of its own, hence increasing energy security.

5. Job Creation

It is a growing industry and creates jobs in manufacturing, construction, and maintenance.

6. Land Use

Wind turbines use relatively little land, and the land they do use can be used for other purposes such as farming or ranching.

Overall, wind energy has significant benefits for the environment, economy, and society, making it an increasingly attractive option for meeting our energy needs.


Like a coin has two faces every method and process has advantages and may have disadvantages as well. Some disadvantages are:

1. Intermittent

The wind is an intermittent resource, that is when the windmill receives enough wind flow for the blades to rotate and generate work, only then the turbine can generate electricity. This can make it difficult to rely on wind energy for a steady and consistent source of power.

2. Location Dependence

Windmills and wind turbines can only be installed in windy regions in order to get a good flow of wind for the continuous production of electricity or energy.

3. Visual Impact

Wind turbines can be large and tall, and some people find them visually unappealing, which can lead to opposition to their installation in some areas.

4. Noise Pollution

Wind turbines can produce noise pollution, which can be a concern for people living near wind farms.

5. Bird and Bat Mortality

Wind turbines can cause bird and bat mortality, particularly if they are located in migratory bird pathways or bat habitats.

6. Initial Cost

Wind turbines can be expensive to install, which can be a barrier to their widespread adoption.

It’s important to note that many of these disadvantages can be mitigated through careful planning and site selection, and the benefits of wind energy often outweigh the potential drawbacks.


Let’s know to have a look at the applications.

1. Electricity Generation

This is the most common application, it could be useful in supplying large amounts of electricity on the lower coast which can be beneficial for both industrial as well as household uses. Large wind turbines are generally used for electricity generation, and wind farms can be built to generate large amounts of electricity for the electrical grid.

2. Water Pumping

In Rural areas where there is a shortage of electricity, it can become the alternative solution. This can be used for irrigation, livestock watering, and other agricultural purposes.

3. Off-Grid Power

Also be used in off-grid power stations to provide the necessary energy to houses, offices, etc.

4. Transportation

For powering ships, rail engines, car engines, etc. wind energy can be an option, as it can provide power to recharge the above vehicle engines.

5. Desalination

Can power desalination plants which are used to remove saltiness from the water.

6. Disaster Relief

This can be a very good option to provide energy to the disaster-affected areas and provide the required electricity to it.

Overall, it has a wide range of applications and is increasingly being used to meet our energy needs in a sustainable and environmentally friendly way.


1. What is wind energy?

It is a renewable form that is produced by wind flow. It is an eco-friendly method of generating electricity or power.

2. Is wind energy renewable or non-renewable?

Totally renewable as wind being the resource of production does not deplete and we can get continuous production.

3. Are wind turbines efficient?

Depending upon the type of turbines used, they can be efficient or even produce electricity at very high efficiency. It all depends upon the ability of the turbine to convert work into electrical energy.

4. How wind energy is produced?

Generally produced by an arrangement known as wind turbines or windmills. The blades of the turbine rotate with the help of the flow of the wind and then the turbine or generator converts this mechanical work into electrical energy.

5. What wind energy is used for?

Can be used for the following  :

  • Supplying electricity
  • Irrigation purposes
  • Providing energy to remote areas
  • Providing energy to disaster-prone areas
  • Providing energy for transportation purposes.

6. Are wind turbines bad for the environment?

Wind turbines are generally considered eco-friendly but there can be some demerits as well. It can be dangerous for birds, and other flying organisms, it can increase noise pollution, etc.

About Dr. Asha Jyoti 389 Articles
Greetings, lovely folks! 🌿 I'm Dr. Asha, a plant enthusiast with a PhD in biotechnology, specializing in plant tissue culture. Back in my scholar days at a university in India, I had the honor of teaching wonderful master's students for more then 5 years. It was during this time that I realized the importance of presenting complex topics in a simple, digestible manner, adorned with friendly diagrams. That's exactly what I've aimed for with my articles—simple, easy to read, and filled with fantastic diagrams. Let's make learning a delightful journey together on my website. Thank you for being here! 🌱.