Matriarchal vs patriarchal

Matriarchal vs patriarchal


Our society is divided into two segments from time immemorial. One group favors women while the other roots for men. Let us discuss the concept of matriarchal vs patriarchal society in detail.

What is a matriarchal society?

A matriarch is defined as a woman who rules or dominates a family, group, or political administration, typically known as the head of the family. Matriarch was first developed as a word in English in the year 1881. It originated as a counterpart of the word ‘patriarchy’.

What is a patriarchal society?

The word patriarchy comes from the Greek word “rule by fathers” and describes a system of social organization in which the highest societal roles are reserved for men, while women are excluded from achieving parity with men and are under constant domination (1 & 2).

Patriarchy vs matriarchy-which is better?

Let us discuss the basic differences between patriarchal and matriarchal societies



       Patriarchal society

        Matriarchal society


A social system in which the man is the head of the household and society. A social system in which women are the head of the household, society.

Head of the house

Father/man is the head. The mother/woman is the head.


Man has more control and power over others. Women have more control and power in society.

Property ownership

Ownership goes to the male. Ownership goes to the female.


Society is governed by men. Society is governed by women.

The concept between patriarchy and matriarchy and the better one among them depends on individual perspectives. Both societies have their advantages and disadvantages and vary across cultures and beliefs. It is important to fight for gender equality where individuals are treated fairly irrespective of gender to form an ideal society. 

Historical context

Let us briefly discuss the historical examples of matriarchal and patriarchal society.

Matriarchal society examples

Khasi tribe (India)

The state of Meghalaya in northeast India is home to the Khasi tribe, which is known for its matriarchal society. In the Khasi culture, property, wealth, and power are inherited through the female line. Women are free to choose their partner and divorce is not a taboo.

Bribri community (Costa Rica)

The Bribri are an indigenous tribe in Costa Rica who have a matriarchal society. Women are the head of the household and pass down their culture, traditions, and property to their daughters. Men are important but do not hold that much position in society.

Akan tribe (Ghana)

They also have a matriarchal society in which inheritance and succession are passed through the female line.

Minangkabau tribe (Indonesia)

The Minangkabau tribe of West Sumatra, Indonesia, has a matriarchal society. Women make important decisions regarding family and community matters. Property and land are inherited through women.

Mosuo tribe (China)

The Mosuo tribe in southwestern China is referred to as the “last matriarchal society in China”. There is no concept of marriage, men and women have relationships known as walking marriage. Children are raised by their mothers and maternal uncles. Property is passed down by women (3).

Patriarchal society examples

The exact origin of patriarchy is still unknown. It may have emerged at the beginning of time when the idea of fatherhood took place in society. Patriarchy is followed throughout the world in every religion and culture. A few examples are

  • American society has always been male- dominated, though things are slowly changing from the onset of the 20th century.
  • Chinese society is traditionally patriarchal. The culture demands women to be subordinated to their fathers and later husbands.
  • A wife is supposed to stay at home and take care of the family while the husband works outside.
  • Another example of a patriarchal society is that the last name of a child is always used by the father’s surname (3).

Key characteristics of matriarchal society

  • Women in matriarchal society are independent and autonomous.
  • They have strong communal bonds and are nurturing in nature.
  • Women are wise, supporting each other, and empathetic in matriarchal society.
  • They are experienced in decision-making, and collaborative.
  • Women in matriarchal society are highly instinctive and assertive (4).

Key characteristics of a patriarchal society

  • In a patriarchal society, men make all the decisions both in-house and outside.
  • Men are controlling, competitive, and dominating in this society.
  • The male is the center of everything, i.e., the owner of the property, household decisions, etc.
  • All the powers are in control of man. He will permit everything and every decision will be taken by him.
  • Women are dominated by men in society. Women are supposed to serve men.
  • In a patriarchal society, all rights and laws are in the favor of men.
  • There is no kind of compromise or adjustment from men, a woman only adjusts (5 & 6).


1. What is the difference between patriarchal and matriarchal?

In a patriarchal society, men control everything make all the rules, and take all the decisions, while in a matriarchal society females hold the important stature and exert power both in household and authority.

2. What are the disadvantages of matriarchy?

The few disadvantages of a matriarchal society are

  • Men have a limited role in society.
  • The contribution of men may be undervalued.
  • There may be a lack of clarity around paternity which can lead to confusion.
  • Matriarchal societies are vulnerable to external threats.
  • Has a matriarchal society ever existed?

Though few, the world does have a few matriarchal societies, they are-

  • Umoja village in Swahili
  • Khasi tribe in northeast India
  • Mosuo tribe in Yunnan province of China

3. How are men treated in matriarchal societies?

Men play a completely different role in matriarchal society compared to patriarchal society. They are less important, they don’t participate in any decision-making and are usually controlled by women.


  • In matriarchal society, women hold primary positions of power and influence.
  • Patriarchal societies are dominated by men, socially, politically, and economically.
  • The key characteristics of a matriarchal society are matrilineal kinship, cooperative living, etc.
  • Key characteristics of a patriarchal society are male domination, controlling nature, decision-makers, etc.
  • Patriarchal societies are more widespread in the whole world while matriarchal societies are few.
  • Both systems have historical roots.
  • The strive for gender equality is a common goal.

Written By: ​​Ankita Gangopadhaya

About Dr. Asha Jyoti 389 Articles
Greetings, lovely folks! 🌿 I'm Dr. Asha, a plant enthusiast with a PhD in biotechnology, specializing in plant tissue culture. Back in my scholar days at a university in India, I had the honor of teaching wonderful master's students for more then 5 years. It was during this time that I realized the importance of presenting complex topics in a simple, digestible manner, adorned with friendly diagrams. That's exactly what I've aimed for with my articles—simple, easy to read, and filled with fantastic diagrams. Let's make learning a delightful journey together on my website. Thank you for being here! 🌱.